Roasted Winter Vegetable Medley

From Member Brandie Zelaya

Use a combination of the following, balancing about equally between sweet and savory:

Savory vegetables:
Turnips, peeled
Rutabagas, peeled
Winter Radishes

Sweet Vegetables:
Sweet Potatoes, peeled
Beets, peeled

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut vegetables into approximately 1-1.5 inch square chunks. Cut the harder vegetables (rutabagas, winter radishes) in smaller or thinner pieces than the others. Set aside sweet potatoes to add later as they need a little less cooking time. Toss the veggies with olive oil, melted butter, or a mixture of the two, and some coarse salt. Place in a baking dish, cover with heavy duty foil, and bake about 20 minutes. Remove and add sweet potatoes, stirring gently with a wooden spoon to mix them in. Recover and bake 20-40 minutes more until all the vegetables are fork-tender. (Precise cooking time will vary depending on the type and age of the vegetables).