Jolly Roasters Coffee Co.

In the wake of Daylight Savings Time, we’re finding ourselves more in need than ever of a strong cup of coffee or two.  Luckily, our newest artisan has just the fix.  Jolly Roasters Coffee Co. is a local, veteran owned coffee roaster based in Virginia Beach.  Casey and Brenda Jolly have been drinking coffee together since they met in college, but it was when they were stationed in Japan that their love for local coffee roasters truly blossomed.  They began roasting coffee beans on their stovetop at home, which eventually led to the founding of Jolly Roasters in early 2015 not long after the couple returned to the U.S.

Jolly Roasters strives to craft the perfect cup of coffee, and each day they try to improve upon their technique.  The beans found in most store-bought coffee have been scorched, causing the beans to lose much of their natural flavor.  Jolly Roasters handles things differently.  First, they take care to know where their beans are grown, and that they’re sourced responsibly.  Then, they expertly roast the beans to enhance the unique flavor of each bean variety. The rest?  That takes place in YOUR kitchen, where you’ll grind the whole beans and brew your perfect pick-me-up.  This week’s menu will feature two types of freshly roasted whole coffee beans, in 12 oz bags.  In the meantime, check out Jolly Roasters’ website and social media pages for an even better sneak peek into the local roasting process!

New to grinding your own beans?  Not a problem! The Jolly duo says that any type of grinder will do, but “our favorite entry level grinder is the Encore Baratza.”