Written by: Emma – Our in-house AASDN-Certified Nutrition Specialist

Made using ingredients from a late summer Garden Box

If you’re anything like me by the end of summer I start to lose steam.  Longer days, kids not in school… the list goes on. So today’s recipe is all about simple prep, lots of nutrition and using almost everything in your Farm Table box!

Grab your lettuce, 2 peppers, 2 ears of corn and 2 tomatoes from this week’s box. Add 1 avocado, 2 canned tunas, 1 package of Brussels and 1/4 cup of honey mustard to your grocery list and go.  This recipe is ideal for 2 servings.

Shave the corn.

Dice the peppers.

Quarter the Brussels.

Preheat oven to 400F. Throw all the above in a pan (or two) and drizzle with oil. Add turmeric, chili powder, garlic and salt.  Roast for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, Peel, pit and mash the avocado. Add the canned tuna and honey mustard and mix well. Pour the roasted veggie mix on top and continue to mix.

Dice the tomatoes and add to the tuna mix.

Wash your lettuce leaves and top each one with a spoonful of the tuna salad. Voila, everything but the kitchen sink, packed with phytonutrients (vitamins and minerals you can only get from plants) and ready in 20 minutes!