This recipe was designed to use the ingredients in the September 23/24 Meals Box


2 medium sized Acorn Squash, cut in half and deseeded. You may want to cut a small flat spot on the rounded side of the squash so it will sit evenly once you stuff them.

1 pound of ground pork sausage or 2 cups of cooked quinoa if you would like to make this dish vegetarian

A couple of sprigs of fresh thyme and sage

Salt and pepper

A few tablespoons of olive oil

4-6 oz cream cheese

1 yellow onion, diced very small

¼ cup parmesan cheese


Preheat your oven to 350. Placed the squash halves upside down in a baking dish that has just a little water and olive oil in the bottom. Cover the pan and roast squash for 20 minutes. Meanwhile saute the onions in a little olive oil with the sprigs of thyme and sage, then add in the ground pork after the onions have started become clear (if you are using quinoa, remove the onions from the heat and let rest). Prepare your quinoa according to the directions on the package then add in the onion mixture. Once the pork is cooked all the way thru remove from the heat and fish out the thyme stems and remove the sage leaves. While this mixture is cooling down stir in the cream cheese until it is incorporated into the entire mixture. You can add a little more cream cheese if you want to at this point.

Remove the squash from the oven and uncover. Flip them over and then with a knife give the flesh of the squash a few cross cuts then with a large spoon scoop the pork or Quinoa mixture into the squash halves. Return to the oven the finish cooking for about 10 more minutes. Remove from the oven and let them cool completely. To serve or present these on a tray, cut each half in half and sprinkle with some parmesan cheese!!