Written by: Emma – Our in-house AASDN-Certified Nutrition Specialist

Made using ingredients from the Garden Box Delivered November 19, 2015

Why not combine my favorite thing (kale) with my kids’ favorite thing (pizza)?  Oh, and make it gluten-free, dairy-free and scrunch your nose up at it-free!


After making these, store in a Ziplock baggie for up to a week, if they last that long.  Just make sure you don’t scarf these down over a white rug or couch.  Kale crumbles don’t make for the best decor.


1 bunch of kale

1/4 cup oil

1 cup raw cashews (soaked overnight in water)

1/4 cup nutritional yeast

1/4 cup tomato sauce

dash of BBQ seasoning, oregano and garlic powder

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Preheat oven to 400F.  Remove stems from kale and rip into bite-sized pieces.  Add to a bowl with the oil and massage until each piece is covered.  Add the cashews, nutritional yeast, tomato sauce and spices to a blender and process until smooth.  Pour this mixture over the kale and massage until coated.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay kale chips in a single layer.


Bake for 10 minutes before filling and baking another 5.  Allow to cool before serving.
