Deviled Eggs


1 dozen eggs, hard boiled and gently peeled!

1 cup mayonnaise of your choice

½ cup yellow mustard or spicy mustard for more of a kick!

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

1 Tbs chopped flowering chive greens, reserve the flower kernels for topping

1 tsp horseradish

1 dash of paprika, for topping only

After you have peeled your hardboiled eggs, gently cut them in half lengthwise. In a small bowl combine cooked egg yolks with the mayo, salt, pepper, chive greens, mustard and horseradish. If you have a stand mixer, whip these ingredients until they become fluffy (3-4 minutes on at least 3 speed). Add mixture to a piping bag and pipe to fill the egg whites with the yolk mixture. [If you want to do it by hand begin mixing the yolk mixture with a fork until everything is incorporated then whisk by hand for 5-6 minutes making sure that the mixture is smooth. Then, use a small spoon to scoop and fill the egg whites.] Lastly add a sprinkle of the chive flowers and a dash of paprika to the top. If you have more will power than me…let them cool in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes before serving!