Release the Ladybugs!
Have you been missing the hydroponic bibb and romaine lettuces the past couple of weeks? We know the feeling! For those of you who ordered hydroponic romaine a few weeks ago, you also might have received some aphids who were along for the ride. While aphids are essentially harmless, and easily rinsed off with water, no farmer is keen to share their crops with these hungry pests (although, we really can’t blame aphids for their good taste, local lettuce IS pretty irresistible.)
Sion House Farm, the hydroponic greenhouse in Farnham, VA who supplies many of our favorite greens, decided to hold off on sending us more lettuce until they could get their aphid situation under control. The first order of business was to release thousands of ladybugs and a hoard of parasitic wasps, both of whom naturally combat aphids without harming the crops themselves. Then, after consulting with their greenhouse advisor, the team at Sion House Farm sealed off some of the more aphid-friendly entrances into the greenhouse, removed a couple of plants that seemed to be aphid-home-base, and misted the plants with an organic spray to keep the pests from returning. With the combination of these efforts, the greenhouse thinks they’ve got the situation under control which is excellent news for lettuce lovers far and wide!
Of course, finding an insect or two in your basket is no big deal, and is indicative of the fact that our farming partners use natural and sustainable farming practices. So, if a lady bug makes it into your basket, simply help it find a new home in your own back yard, where it will help keep aphids off your plants too! Thank you for your continued support, and thank goodness for lady bugs!