Written by: Emma – Our in-house AASDN-Certified Nutrition Specialist

Made using ingredients from the Garden Box Delivered June 25, 2015

Cucumber Lemon Detox Drink

A refreshing and detoxing drink for these hot summer days!  Apple cider vinegar, although acidic itself, causes your system to become more alkaline.  It can also greatly improve insulin function and lower blood sugar levels after meals.  And the most important bonus, apple cider vinegar is high in is acetic acid. This can increase your body’s absorption of important minerals from the foods you eat. So, have a cup of this right before your meal and you will improve your body’s ability to absorb the essential minerals locked in foods.

You will need only these ingredients:


First, slice the cucumber VERY thin and be sure to discard of the seeds.  Place the cucumber in your pitcher.


Slice the lemon into 1/8ths and squeeze the juice into the pitcher.  Place the entire lemon into the pitcher, discarding the seeds.


Fill the remainder of the pitcher with filtered water and add 1 TBS apple cider vinegar per cup of water.  You may want to play around with the taste and adjust.  ACV is very strong, but the more of it the more benefits you’ll reap!


Place in the refrigerator overnight (or at least 3 hours) so that the flavors mix well.  Serve with ice or just chilled!